2014/03/06 Still Life

When photographing glass all surfaces must be clean as every mark will show in the photographs.

ISO 100, Shutter Speed 1/125

An incident light meter reading was taken, this was 1/125th at f32.

The rule is to reduce the aperture by three stops – f11 – this gave images that were overexposed. Checking the meta data showed we shot the images at 1/125 at f22.

Need two strips of black / white card about eight inches wide and the length of the board.

Need another black / white board to place objects on.

Two main methods of photographing glass – white ground and black ground.

White Ground

The softbox was placed behind the object so that the bottom edge of the softbox was just below the height of the table. The object was placed on a white piece of card positioned so that it touched the softbox.

By positioning black card either side of the object up against the softbox, the board is reflected onto the object, giving it a defined edge.

jane 201403014881 1

White Background White Table

Black Ground

The softbox stays in the same place. Take a strip of black card (wider than the object) and place behind the object. Take another piece of black card and place on the table so that it touches the softbox. Place the object on this. The white reflection can be changed by widening and narrowing the width of the black card behind the object.

20140306 Alphq Still life4996       20140306 Alphq Still life4997

Black Background White Table                            Black Background Black Table


If a piece of glass is placed on top of the card the object is siting on, very good reflections are formed.

Final Photographs

One of the images was cropped.

20140306 1 bottle

This was then copied four time to a new image in Photoshop. I think it gives an interesting effect. Tried to do the colour picker but don’t think it worked. As it is, the image is very dark.

20140306 4 bottles

Other Items

When photographing solid objects, a second light was introduced to illuminate the camera side of those objects.

20140306 Alphq Still life5035        20140306 Alphq Still life5034

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